There have been a lot of inquiries about using matrix bands to protect the adjacent tooth while making the proximal box. To be honest, we do not recommend it. The reason for this is that it is actually a bad habit to rely on a non-ideal technique where in you could actually improve your hand skills (hand rests, maintaining the proximal shell, and all) instead to protect your adjacent tooth. Moreover, most schools usually prohibit you to bring your own instruments. So, if you are used to using matrix bands, you will definitely have a very big problem! You will be only left with the option to rely purely on your established hand skills.
The next disadvantage of using matrix bands is that, especially if its too placed above the marginal ridge, it will limit the visibility of your field. The matrix band will block your view (and will also block the light) to the interproximal area. You will be blind as a bat, without any anatomical references to look for as guide for your bur angulations and the depth of your future proximal box. Also, after you have successfully broken the contacts, it will be very difficult for the matrix band to stay in between the teeth. The air from your handpiece will blow the matrix band away, so you are forced to clip it with your hands. This will greatly affect the quality of your hand rests (unless you have a third limb to clip it for you!).
However, some schools have no restrictions about bringing your own instruments. If that is the case and if you are very wary of nicking the adjacent tooth, there is this new matrix system which it combines both the wedge and the matrix band into one, called the FenderWedge. It separates the tooth and protects the surrounding tissues. You will have no worries of displacement because the matrix band is supported by the wedge attached to it. It be applied either buccal and lingually.
No matter with our without matrix bands to help you, the most important aspect that you can rely on, without a doubt, is your hand skills. This will not only help you pass the bench test but it will also be a foundation on how you will practice your profession in the future.