First, take a look at this submitted preparation. The whole cavosurface margins are very wobbly. Now this seems that the operator was trying to smooth the margins but was clearly unsuccessful at it.
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- Unstable handpiece. Ineffective hand rests.
- The operator tried to smooth the margins but was unsure of how to do it well.
- When refining the walls, the operator only focused on one point that has irregularities that still leaves the area with more irregularities.
- This can be fixed without fear of enlarging the cavity preparation. You may use a hand instrument to create a smooth, flowing margins.
- You may use a bur. But make sure to maintain firm finger rests and bur angulation. Practice first with a non-moving bur with wider strokes (about 3mm). The idea here is to smoothen the irregularities by moving the bur in wider, longer strokes.
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- Remove only what needs to be removed. For example whenever there is a sharp corner, only smooth that out.