(Full Metal and PFM Crowns)
Buccal/Lingual View
General Characteristics:
- Preparation nicely centered between adjacent teeth
- Proximal walls converge towards the line of draw, uniform taper present
- Even clearance from the adjacent tooth’s proximal surface
- No undercuts
- Margins are uniform and with even width
- Smooth continuous margins, without irregularities like roughness or gouges
- 5 mm supragingival location of margins
- Margin follows the contour of the free gingival margin
- Flat shoulder margins, flared towards the gingiva at 110 degrees
- Well defined but rounded inner line angle of margins
- 1-1.2mm in width
- Distinct chamfer margins, explorer tip can rest on with applied pressure
- 3-0.5mm in width
Occlusal View
General Characteristics:
- Smooth, continuous and even margins
- Clear inner and outer line angles of margins, both outline form of line angles matches with each other
- Functional cusp bevel present
- Anatomical landmarks present
- Good tapering of walls, margins evident in all aspects
- Even and evident clearance from the adjacent tooth
- For PFM Crowns: Evident gradual shift of margins at the proximal, buccal shoulder margin extended 1mm lingual to contact area then shifting to a thinner lingual chamfer margin.
- For FG Crowns: Chamfer margins on buccal and lingual are uniform, continuous, smooth and with definition.
- Flat shoulder margins, flared towards the gingiva at 110 degrees
- Well defined but rounded inner line angle
- Margins are smooth, continuous, no irregularities
- 1-1.2mm in width
- Distinct chamfer margins, explorer tip can rest on with applied pressure
- 3-0.5mm in width
Proximal View
- Buccal and lingual walls have uniform taper, converging towards the line of draw
- No undercuts
- Margins at the proximal area are lowered, follows the contour of the gingival line, 0.5mm above the gingival margin
- Functional cusp bevel present
- Well defined cusps but not sharp
- Shoulder margins flared towards the gingival at 110 degrees
Adequate Clearances
- Typodont in centric occlusion, there is an even clearance from the opposing tooth.
- Clearance from the adjacent tooth, a perio probe can easily pass through without binding.
Treatment Management
- No damage to adjacent tooth/teeth or can be removed with polishing without adversely altering the shape of the contour
- No damage to simulated gingiva