The labial surface is very tricky because the curvature is too overwhelming that it is very hard to properly angulate the bur. With its too tight cervical constriction and a very wide labiolingual dimension, it is expected to have a very huge reduction in this area. To get along without mistakes, all you need to do is to know how to set your bur angulation first.
Step by Step
Step 1: Visualization and Bur Angulation
There will be two plane reductions here: gingival half and incisal half. Do not worry about the incisal half yet, because what’s more important is the gingival half. The gingival half will influence the path of draw of the crown so keep that in mind.
When setting your bur angulation for the gingival half, always make sure that the height of contour of the labial surface (it is the point at which the curvature is at its most) is touching the middle part of the entire length of the bur. When it the tip of the bur is directed too much towards the cervical area/or gingival you will create an undercut. When the gingival 2/3 is perfectly done, the incisal half will be easy.
Step 2: Placing Guide Grooves
GINGIVAL 2/3: Place guide grooves for the gingival 2/3 of the labial surface. Take note of your bur angulation. Place 3 guide grooves on this surface. When placing guide grooves on the mesial/distal, do not place the tip too near to the gingival margin.
Do not be afraid if the guide grooves covers the whole length of the crown. Your main objective here is to set the proper angulation and depth of the guide groove. Anyway, you can set a separate guide groove for the incisal 1/3 later on.
INCISAL 1/3: The angle of the bur is totally different from the gingival plane. You have to imagine the angle of the area that needs to go away. Or, you may refer the contralateral canine for the angulation.
Step 3: Connecting the Depth Grooves
When connecting depth grooves, you have to connect two grooves at a time. An effective way to maintain the shape and anatomy of the surface is to connect the deepest part of two depth grooves. However, do not do so on the get go because you may cut the depth groove more deeply and we do not want that. So, thin out the middle structure first and until if you are confident enough, then you can connect both of the depth grooves.