Proximal Reduction


Proximal Reduction

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Now it’s time to break the proximal contacts. This is always nerve wracking, just look at where the contact is and aim for that.

Step by Step

Step 1: Breaking the Contact

Your main objective here is just to break the contact. Don’t worry if it’s ugly at first, you will get to refine it when you can make a space for a larger bur to work on to later on. It is always a good habit to retain a little bit of enamel shell near the adjacent tooth.

Step 2: Connecting the Margins

Once the contact is open, try fitting in a larger chamfer bur. I like to work with the largest bur possible, this helps a lot with making the margins smooth, which is often difficult to achieve interproximally.

Remember to angle your bur straight, without ever angulating your bur mesially or distally. Let the taper of the bur do the work for you. Change your bur to 847kr, since you have to extend your shoulder margins at least 1mm lingual to the contact point.

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