Proximal Reduction


Proximal Reduction

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This will probably be the easiest proximal reduction that you ever do. The mesiodistal width of canines are wide, so it needs huge reduction of tooth structure, so do not be afraid if you have taken too much tooth structure already. This is actually advantageous because you will have room to immediately pass any tapering bur to break the contacts and reduce the proximal surface all at the same time. The contacts are located more incisally so by the time that you have prepared reduced the incisal, labial and lingual area, much of the contact area will have been reduced.

Step by Step

Step 1: Breaking the Contacts and Proximal Reduction

With any of your shoulder bur, go straight through the proximal area. While doing so, keep a thin enamel shell to protect the adjacent tooth’s surface.

Bring down your margins as low as possible until the thin enamel shell will be broken off.

After this, you may define and refine the walls and margins with the use of a shoulder bur.


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