#19 ClII MA

Rating: 6

Notes for Improvement:

Relevant Tutorials:




























Lingual Tilt in Cavity Preparation













































  1. abbasimzrgmail-com


    Thank you for your effective comments!

    This rate 6 is for my prep or retentive grooves or both? If retentive grooves, please rate my prep separately ? If prep, which mistake was so big that made my rate decrease? I mean I am a little confused, I need more clear comments. If I understood correctly my mistakes are:
    1. Retentive grooves should disappear in the middle of their way.
    2. The direction of the prep should be paralleled by the crown , not the root.
    3. Distal groove is not in a right place.
    And the rest of my prep is fine , consist of : depth of gingival and pulpal and axial walls, outline form, consistency and shape of buccal and lingual walls, contacts are open enough, buccal and lingual grooves are open enough, angles are round enough, isthmus is good, and any other details.
    So, I can’t understand why you rate this prep 6?! If some mistakes are more important than others please let me know. Major and minor mistakes, I mean.
    If it’s possible for you please let me know both positive and negative points , when I know positive ones I can be sure that those don’t need any changes or improvements and I need to be focused just on my mistakes.

    Thank you again.
    I’m waiting to hear back from you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    1. alyssa Post author

      You can assume what I don’t mention is positive.
      Perhaps I underrated the prep a bit, that numeric score is just supposed to be a proxy.

  2. abbasimzrgmail-com

    Another mistake I found in your comments! 4. Walls should be parallel for buffalo!

    One more thing about the retentive grooves, based on the reference that Buffalo introduced ( fundamental of operative dentistry), retentive grooves go all the way to the occlusal, but in this book retentive grooves are just for box only preps , there is no picture or explanation for MO prep with retentive grooves! Also, I know somebody who attended the prep course at this university and said grooves should go all the way to the occasional surface! It’s confusing! I know you might be confused like me! But if you have any notes about it please share with me. Otherwise, I will figure it out right before the exam!lol!

    1. alyssa Post author

      I’m not sure whether Buffalo wants retentive grooves to go all the way to the occlusal surface or not. But I think it shouldn’t matter much, it’s a tiny detail in the grand scheme of things.
      I thought I let you know that I do not know whether they want parallel walls for a composite prep as well. They definitely do for amalgam preps. Did you figure out that they do? In which case, then yes, please filter out what I’m saying accordingly.