Think Before You Act


Think Before You Act

Topic Progress:

Now that you know the basics, there is something that you need to know before starting. Though this may be rather simple and insignificant to most but it is actually one of the most important reminders that every bench test takers should bear in mind: Think before you act.

There are students who aggressively and randomly use their handpiece while thinking that by doing such they hope to get the result of what they have in mind. Get this out of your system and instill in yourselves about doing carefully planned steps. In this way, you will create less to no mistakes. Moreover, if there are few mistakes, it is easier to troubleshoot. And the mistakes that we really need to avoid are ones that are irreversible. So before moving that bur, please take note of the following:

  1. Stop. Stop stepping the pedal. The tooth is so soft that a small whir of the bur can produce unnecessary cuts and gouges. The chances of getting a mistake is higher if the bur is still running and if you have not yet planted a clear plan in your head. Grab your mirror, and check, ask yourself if what you are doing is still right.
  2. Visualize. On the tooth, imagine the objective that you want to achieve. Look into the anatomy of the tooth that influences your objective. You should be clear about what to reduce and not to reduce. Compare the angulations of the slopes of the cusps of the prepared tooth and the adjacent tooth. Pay attention to the long axis of the clinical crown when doing axial reductions. This is specially needed when doing lower molars because of its lingual tilt. Remember that in crown preparations, the angulation of the bur is very important.
  3. Hand Rests. Stabilize your handpiece. Take note of your bur angulation.
  4. Rehearse. Without stepping the pedal, check your bur angulation and glide your bur as if you are doing the preparation. Do as many as you can until you have gained “muscle memory”. Always check your bur angulation!
  5. Step on. With the bur rotating and utilizing proper hand rests, apply what you have rehearsed.

There are three things to keep in mind here: Firm hand rests, maintaining bur angulation, and looking at the anatomy of the tooth.

When you are in doubt , please stop. First, re-evaluate and check whether if you are still on the right track then proceed. Remember, do not rush on doing things, think before you act.


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